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Hummingbirds - Satipo road


This is an old itinerary which we don't offer in our regular program. If you want another tour to central Peru please check Carpish 8 daysSatipo road and Carpish 17 days, Short Satipo road 7 days, or the short (but ver intense) 8 day Carpish and Satipo road.

Also check our tour calendar

 hummingbird trip on the Satipo road and Chanchamayo areas. Hummingbird feeders have been placed at various places along the route.

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.
Special effort will be given to try to see Rufous-webbed and Black-throated Brilliant at Yanachaga-Chemillen National Park. You will be supporting Kolibri Expeditions Satipo road project by taking part in this trip.
Day 0. Comfortable nightbus to San Ramon leaves at 10 PM. During this day an excursion to Lomas de Lachay is organized.
Day 1. San Ramon-Oxapampa. We will start the morning at a Hummingbird center outside of La Merced. Sapphire-spangled Emerald and Fork-tailed WOodnypmh are easy here. The rest of the day is spent birding on the road to Oxapampa. Blackish Pewee, Lanceolated Monklet, Golden-tailed Sapphire may be seen. Very nice family hotel in Oxapampa. Casa Bttger
Day 2. Oxapampa-Pozuso. Great habitat between 1600-1000m. Solitary Eagle, Crested Quetzal, Cock of the Rock lek. We shall have some feeders operating here since a couple of months and hope that we will be able to attract hummers like Black-throated and Rufous-webbed Brilliant this way. Hotel El Mango.
Day 3. Yanachaga-Chemillen all day. Birding is very good along this road. It is also very good for butterflies with several species of Morphos. Near Pozuso there is an immense colony of Blue-headed Macaw. Hotel El Mango.
Day 4. Pozuso-Oxapampa. Casa Bttger
Day 5. Oxapampa (pre-dawn to antenna road) Cloud-forest and White-throated Screech-Owl, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, "Pasco" Antpitta, Black-winged Parrot, Olive Tufted Flycatcher, etc. and then on to Villa Rica. Excellent habitat between 1900-2400m with Rufous-webbed Brilliant, White-capped Tanager, Red-throated Caracara, Black-winged Parrot, Crimson-bellied Woodpecker, Tyrannine Woodcreeper,  Creamy-bellied Antwren and others
Day 6. Villa Rica-Satipo. Good and very exciting birding en route. For example Laguna Oconal where Least Grebe,  Purple Gallinule, Blackish Rail, Muscovy Duck, Cocoi Heron, Subtropical Doradito, Olivaceous Greenlet, Black-faced Tanager and Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant recently been seen. Many other typical lowlands birds as we continue to Satipo. Night in Hotel Majestic. Basic, but friendly and hot water in some rooms.
Day 7. Satipo-Apaya. Many Hummingbirds and other gaudy birds. Amazonian Umbrellabird, Versicolored Barbet, Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Fasciated Tiger-Heron, Torrent Duck, Sunbittern, Masked Trogon, Hihgland Motmot, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Solitary Eagle, Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, Yellow-scarfed Tanager, Golden-collared Tanager, Grass-Green Tanager, Golden-plumed Parakeet and many others.
Day 8. Apaya.-Andamarca Eye-ringed Thistletail, Fiery-throated Metaltail, Millpo Tapaculo, Camp in Andamarca
Day 9. Andamarca-Apaya Black-spectacled Brush-Finch, new Thryothorus Wren, new Thornbird, White-winged Black-Tyrant and obscura form of Rufous Antpitta (better treated as goos species). We return to Apaya for another night camping.
Day 10. Apaya-Satipo. Picking up species we may have missed.
Day 11. Satipo-Pampa Hermosa Lodge. Buff-tailed Sicklebill. Cock of the Rock lke and lots of other birds at this luxurious lodge.
Day 12. Pampa Hermosa all day
Day 13. Pampa Hermosa-Junin.
Day 14. Junin Grebe (AM) and then to Lima, via Ticlio and yet another DSP bog. Olivaceous Thornbill.


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