Kolibri August Newsletter
Kolibri News
The Kolibri Expeditions News has already reached our subscribers. Here is an extended version for you on line. Nevertheless, the newsletter is quite short this time and contains several special offers for the remainder of 2010 and 2011. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, not to miss any important information.
British Birdwatching Fair 2010
If you happened to be at the British Birdwatching Fair and looked for me, you looked in vain. I could not go this time. In fact, in spite of it surely being a great social event, it seems a bit silly to use as a sales point. The cost to participate is high, when you add up the fees, the flight and the material one need to produce. Then consider the enormous amount of trees used to produce all those broschures and the fuel used to transport both exhibitors – across the globe – as well as visitors. What was that about global warming and the clearcutting of the forests again? Why not make a Virtual Birdfair on line instead? So I blogged about it on this link. See what you think!
Considering all the money I saved not going to the birdfair, I figured I could do some special offers instead to you and your friends. If you scroll down to the bottom you shall find the time limited Special offers. The offers are valid only to Sep 5.
Photo Safaris in Peru
Not all birders are listers, and when the photography becomes more important than the life-list, then hard-core birding and photography is not compatible. With the boom of digital photography and more and more people getting into birding via photography (and the other way around as well), we want to offer a new set of tours for photographers and videographers only. Right now our collaborator Alejandro Tello (birdguide and photographer) is writing up new itineraries. A few have been uploaded to the web-page. Some of these are still in Spanish but will be translated within the coming week. The prices will also be set next week.
Here is a sample itinerary from the Coast. If you are interested in photography, contact us
Satipo road and Carpish
As you know I helped Rainforest Partner ship with the fundraising for Satipo road and the Pampa Hermosa area. Over $15000 was raised. From September there shall be proper beds at Apaya-Calabaza and a working shower with hot water. In December it is planned the building of a community lodge will start! To celebrate we are giving extreme discounts for the remaining trips this year. It is a good idea that the area is commercialized now and this way by the time the lodge is ready there will already be a lot of birding information amassed and a demand created. You find the itinerary here.
New Budget Tambopata trip a smashing success.
We just ran the new budget trip to Tambopata and Alex was a magician (again!). He even managed to find a new species for Peru. Unicolored Blackbird – check that link! We have 5 trips coming up giving the great discount as mentioned above – time limited to Sep 5. On the first September 17 trip shall have a very interesting crew with myself, Alex (the magician), Rick Wright (from Wings and ABA) and young birder whiz Chris West plus two other clients. We have three spaces left only for $1180 including the flight from Lima. Don’t wait too long.
If you can’t make it on this one, you may come on the ones in October, November, December and January. This trip can be combined with Satipo road/Carpish and a Pelagic trip in between. Prior to the trip you may add a day at Machu Picchu and maybe a day at the Polylepis forest at Abra Malaga. The new budget trip you find here.
List price guarantee
The last offer is simply a pre-booking concept for 2011. We guarantee the list price based on groups of 7 people even if you are on your own on any trip. Read more on the relevant blogpost here.
I also must mention some pelagics. We had the first confirmed Chatham Island Albatros last year, this year the first photographed Brown Booby and a month ago first confirmed Westland Petrel with photos.
More from the July 26 pelagic here.
We have finally found a boat which is faster than the one we have used previously. It is an open large speedboat (that usually take 30 passengers) for a maximum of 12 birders – and 4 staff equipped with 2 brand new 100hp Yahama outboard engines. This new boat shall allow us for extended stay at deep waters if necessary and their is a wish to do so. Since the boat is faster and get back to shore earlier, it also allows for some birding on shore (there is an excellent shorebird locality nearby at Poza Arenillas). On the downside, it is an open boat, which means that you may get sprayed upon in higher seas.
Larger groups will be managed with the comfortable Catamaran we have used in the past.
Here are the confirmed upcoming pelagics for the remainder of the season.
- Sep 9 Speed boat
- Sep 25 Speed boat – extended itinerary
- Oct 2 Catamaran
- Nov 13 boat to be determined
- Nov 26
So many reasons to come to Peru now!!