Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide
Peru Tours

Satipo road special


UPDATE: This is an old itinerary which we don't offer in our regular program. Please check our 5 day Satipo road trip and the Lima day tours for a short itinerary and the Complete Central Peru Birding for a 16 day tour to Satipo road.  Should you want to spend additional time on Satipo road, please let us know. 

Also check our tour calendar

That Satipo road is perhaps the best birdwatching road in Peru is maybe the best kept secret. Kolibri Expeditions is running an interesting conservation and tourism development project with the local communities. Be part of it, taking part in this trip.

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.
Day 1. Birding in Lima. Pantanos de Villa or Ventanilla. In the evening comfortable nightbus to Satipo.
Day 2. Birding road to Oxapampa with stops at Botanical Garden outside La Merced and the subtropical areas en route. Tanager flocks, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Lanceolated Monklet, Inca Flycatcher, Peruvian Tyrannulet, Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet, Blackish Pewee. Night at Casa Loechle-Sinty in Oxapampa.
Day 3. Start 4 AM. Drive to Antenna road. Bird predawn first turn-off for Cloud Forest Screech-Owl and Olive-tufted Flycatcher. Breakfast. Bird along road to Antenna. Andean Guan, Scaly-naped Parrot, Black-winged Parrot, Barred Parakeet, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Collared Inca, Pasco Antpitta, Bay Antpitta, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Yellow-scarfed Tanager, Grass-green Tanager, Lachrymose Tanager, Peruvian Wren, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, etc. Continue to Pozuso with Torrent Tyrannulet, Fasciated Tiger-Heron and a Cock-of-the-Rock lek on the way through Yanachaga-Chemillen National Park. Pozuso is a charming German settlement in pleasant climate at around 900m. German cuisine predominates. It is not unusual to see large flocks of Blue-headed Macaws here. Night in Pozuso.
Day 4. Pozuso-Oxapampa. We will continue birding in the excellent habitat between 1000m-1500m in Yanachaga-Chemillen N.P. which is traversed by the Oxapampa-Pozuso road. Possibilities include Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Paradise Tanager, Black-faced Dacnis, Purple Honeycreeper, Peruvian, Ashy-headed, Cinammon-faced and Marble-faced Tyrannulet, and other. Known hummingbirds listed for this area include Black-throated and Rufous-webbed Brilliant, Booted Racket-tail and Speckled Hummingbird.
Day 5. Oxapampa-Villa Rica road. Remarkably good birding along this road. Things seen here include: White-capped Tanager, Golden-headed Quetzal, Long-tailed Sylph, Olivaceous Greenlet, Bay Antpitta, Red-throated Caracara, White-winged Becard, Blue and Black Tanager. Around midday we will reach Villa Rica that has a splendid view over Laguna Oconal, which will be explored for Least Grebe, Blackish Rail and Wattled Jacana. We continue in the afternoon to Satipo passing through coffee plantations that provides additional possibilities. Night at Hotel San Luis in Satipo.
Day 6. Birding lower section of Satipo road. Coordinate in Mariposa to stay overnight.
Targets: Blue-browed Tanager, Russet Antshrike, Lanceolated Monklet, Spotted Rail, Roufous-sided Crake, Lemon-browed Flycatcher, Umbrellabird, Fasciated Tiger-Heron. Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Hairy-crested Antbird (foothill form), Peruvian Piedtail. Owling can give Rufescent Screech-Owl, Pauraque and Common Potoo Camping by village school in Mariposa or if you prefer in Hotel Majestic in Satipo with an early morning start from Satipo.
Day 7. Bird mid section of Satipo road to Apaya village. Peruvian Tyrannulet, Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet, Versicolored Barbet, Solitary Eagle, Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, Crested Quetazal, Torrent Duck, Deep-blue Flowerpiercer, Night camp in Apaya in conjunction to village school.
Day 8. Bird mid-section again. Nightbirds. Lyretail Nightjar. Night in Apaya.
Day 9. Bird temperate forest above Apaya. Night in Carrizales. Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager.
Day 10. Bird Carrizales for Fiery-throated Metaltail, Eye-ringed Thistletail, obscura form of Rufous Antpitta, Pardusco, Tchudi’s Tapaculo, Golden-plumed Parakeet etc.
Later we will continue to Andamarca valley. The climate is warmer and drier here. Many new species to science have been found here in recent years – such as Black-spectacled Brush-Finch, Millpo Tapaculo, a new Thryothorus wren and a new Thornbird. There may be more surprises. Since habitat is so different many species will be added to the list. Possibilities include Andean Ibis, White-winged Black.Tyrant, Black-backed Grosbeak, Golden-billed Saltator and others. Night in camp in Andamarca.
Day 11. Drive back towards Lima. Stay in hotel in La Oroya.
Day 12. At Ticlio we shall search for Diademed Sandpiper Plover, White-bellied Cinclodes and Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe. As we drive down to through Santa Eulalia valley to Lima other special birds we will look out for are: Black-breasted Hillstar, Dark-winged Miner, Andean Condor, White-cheeked Cotinga, Giant Conebill, Great Inca-Finch, Black-necked Woodpecker, Peruvian Pygmy-Owl, etc. Back in Lima in the early evening. It is possible to skip the Santa Eulalia valley if you have a plane to catch.




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