Gunnar’s Twitter Updates for 2009-05-04

  • Training goes on track. Did 26k on 3h30min. One km more than planned. Speed 5:49min/km. Marathon in 4 weeks. #
  • paid my bills on internet in 5 min! It is Sunday 8.25 PM and the bank is closed of course. Just love the age we are living in! #
  • RT @RicRaftis: Feeling like a good laugh? Greek/Irish dancers… Bloody hilarious! Couldn’t agree more! #
  • RT @TobbeJ: @kolibrix please join my Twibe. Go to or re-tweet this link to join. #
  • Don’t understand Skywatch & Wordless Wednesday. Sounds like a good idea. Anyone has a good tutorial? The webpage is totally incomprehensible #
  • Back at top 20 among birders on Nature Blog Network. Been lurking behind for two weeks. #
  • RT @guykawasaki: World?s largest solar tower now powers 10,000 homes. (see also GR #

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