Gunnar’s Twitter Updates for 2009-05-16

  • RT @Kolibrix: Did anyone see this? R @reply Put an R in front of to make replies visable to everyone to bypass new Twitter rules. Pls RT #3% #
  • Does it work? #
  • Don’t forget #birdsaturday. Tweet @follow & RT events & birding posts, especially those valuable to newbies #
  • RT @GetAcaiJuice: RT @tweetmeme Top 8 Twitter Related Websites | social radical #
  • R @birdingbev That works too. “if you put the @ in the middle of the tweet instead of at the beginning it works too.” #
  • RT @MichDdot: RT @applemacbookpro Ashton who? @Zaibatsu’s Race to 500k – great post by @AmyVernon #
  • R@Scobleizer Put an R in front of to make replies visable to everyone to bypass new Twitter rules. Pls RT #3% Space not necessary? #
  • That worked as well, wonder if Scoble saw it? #
  • RT @alanmcbride: #followfriday@kolibrix@horukuru@tour_guide@fleur_refresh thanks Alan! #
  • RT @MaineBirder: #followfriday @rhappe @burdr @mmatm_red @TXBirder @Kolibrix Thanks! #
  • Teaser: I am running a marathon May 31 to raise money for conservation project on Satip road together with RainForest Partnership #
  • RT @MeticulousBob: #followfriday Birders @smido@Bembridge@boingbird@birdblogger@cedarwaxwing@birderwestcork@birdim@Kolibrix@chatterbirds thx #
  • RT @Yaarbiriah: #followfriday @hummingbird2 @balmeras @kolibrix @janieelarson thanks for the mention! #
  • RT @loic: Twitter and Facebook now compete with Google according to @mcuban he gets more traffic from them than Google #
  • I am getting off Twitter to go for my Friday run at 0.35 AM saturday morning….hmm #
  • #birdsaturday Anyone has mystery bird photos to be ID:ed? We’re a birders from the whole world to help ID. Use Twitpic. pls RT. #
  • RT @Jtraganos: Can somebody please explain to me why on earth somebody would have birdwatching as a hobby? I dont understand. #birdsaturday #
  • R @Jtraganos – it’s about estetics. Birds are wonderful beautiful creatures and many do something we can’t…fly #

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