Luciana and I

Luciana loves birds. Here watching the Hummingbird video

Luciana loves birds. Here watching the Hummingbird video

My daughter Luciana, two and a half years old, has been featured on this blog before. And that is because we have been birding together. Today she got two more lifers as we went to the zoo and some freeflying (countable) birds were around. Black-crowned Night-Heron and House Sparrow. Luciana’s expanding life list is now 42 species. That is more than she can count, although she knows the names of all and also a couple of more she has not yet seen. Two birds on her wish-list  include Peruvian Thickknee and Chilean Flamingo. (No, Luciana you can’t count the captive Flamingos at the zoo!)

But, now you have to excuse me for these non-birding family pictures, but the best way of sharing these shots is in a rolling series on a blogpost. My wife Elita think this series of pics taken yesterday were choreographed that are best appreciated in a series. Every gesture of dad and daughter are the same. Cute, huh? Well, at least Luciana!


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