The best birding blogger is not even a birder?
How to become a good birding blogger!
To be a good birding blogger it takes more than just being a good writer or take great pictures. Our bird blogger #8 says:
I feel a bit humbled to be in the ranks with you and the rest of these bird bloggers.. I am not a good writer or photographer.. And don’t always blog about birds..
…yet she probably has more readers than any of us to her blog (which quite often is about birds). Why is that? Well, this is why:
- She is passionate about here blogging
- reads and comments on a lot of blogs
- nurture her friends on the social network platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
Having her on our platform will teach us all to become more social – a vital trait for any blogger. She has a special asignment to introduce the readers to other birding blogs and look for guest-writers if any of the core-team are not available.
Birding Blogger #8. Who am I?
- Self professed amateur birder
- mushroom picker
- full time motor-home traveler.
- The blogs most efficient Bird/nature blog reader
I am sure you know who I am talking about, and agree with me that she is the best birding blogger. We all love her! And she is too modest – She is a great writer and photographer. Nuff said! I wait your comments!
UPDATE: Yes of course. Dawn Fine and her Bloggy Blog!