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No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Our guides are very experience with Brazil´s Bird fauna. We only use experts with years of experience.

Brazil have a remarkable number of endemic and restricted range species. We are concentrating on seeing as many of these as possible. If you have not been to Brazil before, but to neighbouring countries, you may still get up to 300 lifers. As suggested above the trip could be split - preferably on these days - but you can join or end the trip where ever you find more convenient.

Brazil is a huge country and therefor, some stretches will be driven at night. We will have two drivers to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. The price is based on 90 $ per day, so if you decide to join for a shorter period, you can easíly calculate the final price. The Amazonian Brazil price will be slightly higher due to the use of Rio Cristalino lodge and boathire on the Amazon.

South Brazil (17 days). (On request)

Day 1. Aparrados da Serra. Drive to Vicaria.
Day 2. Aracuri-Esmerallda Reserve. Drive to Urubici
Day 3. Urubici
Day 4. Salto de Pirai.
Day 5. Matinhas. Drive to Ihla Comprida.
Day 6. Ihla Comprida - Fazenda Intervales
Day 7. Faz. Intervales.
Day 8. Faz Intervales. Night drive to Itirapina.
Day 9-10. Itirapina
Day 11-12. Ubatuba
*Day 13. Angra dos Reis.
Day 14-16. Itatiaia. Last night on to Serra dos Orgaõs.
*Day 17. Trail in Serra dos Orgãos. AT night drive to Serra de Canastra.

Central and East Brazil (30 days) (On request)

Day 18. Serra de Canastra. Brazilian Merganser.
Day 19. Serra de Canastra and drive to Cipo National Park.
Day 20. Cipo
Day 21. Caratinga Reserve (Fazenda Montes Claros)- where the rare Wolly Spider Monkey can be seen.
Day 22. Search for Cherry-throated Tanager near Conceicão do Castelo
Day 23-25. Santa Teresa and Nova Lombardia.
Day 26-27. Sooretama
Day 28. Monte Pascoal
Day 29. Search for the recently described Acrobat Bird (Pink-legged Gravateiro)
Day 30-31. Serra de Ouricana
Day 32. Boa Nova
* Day 33. Rio Traripe area Fringe-backed Fire-eye, Little Wood-rail and Bicolred Conebill and late drive to Maceió
Day 34-36. Pedra Branca/Fazenda Bananeira Orange-bellied Antwren, Alagoas Antwren, Janday Parakeet, Alagoas Foliage-gleaner, Pinto´s Spinetail, Scalloped Antbird, Alagoas Purpletuft, Black-headed Berryeater, White-winged Cotinga, Seven-colored Tanager, Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher and White-eyd Tody-Tyrant.
Day 37-38. Pedra Talhada Forbe´s Blackbird, Golden-tailed Parrotlet, Pinto´s, Cinereous and Grey-headed Spinetails, Tawny Piculet, Buff-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Seven-colored Tanager, Alagoas Tyrannulet, Alagoas and Orange-bellied Antwrens, Yellow-faced Siskin and Pygmy Night-Hawk. Drive to Jeremoabo
Day 39. AM. Search for Pectoral Antwren. Also Scarlet-throated Tanager. PM Lear´s Macaw.
Day 40. Morro de Chapeu. Yellow-legged Tinamou, Cinnamon Tanager, Stripe-backed Antbird, Tataupa Tinamou, Great Xenops, Blond-crested Woodpecker, Silvery-cheeked Antshrike, Golden-capped Parakeet, Least Nighthawk, Caatinga Parakeet, Broad-tipped Hermit, White-naped Jay, Sooty-fronted Spinetail, Spotted Piculet and Flavescent Warbler.
Day 41. Drive to Ibotirama, via Morro do Paí Ináçio for Hooded Visorbearer and Buff-throated Pampa-Finch. Nigth drive to Januária.
Day 42-43. Januária area. Sao Francisco Nighthawk, Moustached Woodcreeper, Great Xenops, Golden-capped Parakeet, Caatinga Black-Tyrant, Pileated Antwren, Caatinga Parakeet, Reiser´s Tyrannulet, White-naped Jay, White-browed Antpitta and San Francsico Sparrow
* Day 44. Brasilia National Park.
Day 45-46. Emas National Park White-winged, Pygmy and Spot-tailed Nightjars, Crowned Eagle, Cinereous Warbling-FInch, Bearded Tachuri, Rufous-rumped and Marsh Seedeaters

Brazilian Amazon (18 days) (On request)


* Day 47. Transpantaneira. (This is wet season here which will make waterfowl and other birds more spread out, so we will just make a brief day visit with Hyacint Macaw as our prime target bird, but of coarse an array of other birds and wildlife should be seen as well.)
* Day 48. Chapada dos Guimarães. If you want to use your time fully, you may consider flying to Alta Floresta. For the others there will be a night drive.
Day 49-51. Alta Floresta area
Day 52. Drive to Tapajos NP, some at night
Day 53-55. Tapajos NP
Day 56. R.F. Tapajos. Fly to Manaus at night to make two days on the river in Manaus
Day 57-58. Rio Amazonas river trip river islands and Igapó.
Day 59-61. Manaus area
Day 62. Drive to Boa Vista/Rio Branco
Day 63-64. Rio Branco area

The Van will continue to Venezuela Day 65 Cross border to Venezuela. Cost for this transfer is 60 dollars (including food)



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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com