I am honing my skills in front of the camera with daily live sessions on my Facebook, principally for making videos to my band’s YouTube Channel, but also short updates on what is going on here in Lima. Here is the full webinar that I have edited somewhat. Below follows the main points I raise. It is not a transcript, but a summary which is better for the overview.
Novel ideas for birdwatching tours
The next webinar was streaming live on Facebook on Sunday May 3 at 21.00 Peruvian time. A summary can be watched on Facebook.
Here is an edited Facebook link.
You don’t need a Facebook account to check it out!
I would be very grateful if you could share either or both these videos to your friends.
It is always a good idea to both post on your FB wall as well as sending in messenger to your closest friends that you think will have use of this information.
The birding revolution webinar summary.
It is Easier.
It is more about Esthetics
It is more Independent
It is Easier
Mentorship – either that of a birder taking me under his wing or a birding club.
Field guide – to identify birds myself and to study up.
And a notebook. I had to look for the field marks and write down what I saw.
Binoculars – you have a camera in your pocket on your phone – some even come with 10x optical magnification. If you have a point and shoot camera they come with a mega-zoom of up to 70x optical magnification to take close up shops of birds far away.
You don’t need a field guide. There are apps that help you ID your photos such as Merlin, Birdseye, and iNaturalist.
You don’t need a mentor or a birding club. You can simply post your photo in groups on Facebook and the world’s birding experts will happily give you pointers on how to identify the bird on your photo
You don’t need a notebook, because you take photos and you may upload your sightings to eBird or other online databases.
The Birding Paradigm Shift
Although the left brain/right brain concept is somewhat flawed and has proven not to be as clear-cut as previously thought, for our purpose it makes sense to use this model. There has obviously been a shift from the analytical mindset to the more esthetic/creative mindset in birding during the last 15 years or so.
The art of field identification – looking at the details.
The beauty of birds
The art of taking a good picture
Fascination of a living thing.
Spiritual – Zen-like Nature experience.
With the rise of social media and the possibility to share beautiful birds online, it will expose a lot of people to birds who would not usually consider themselves as birdwatchers. Many will get interested in trying to learn more on their own. They see little point in trying to see as many birds as possible and could care less for Little Brown Jobs like Phylloscopus Leaf Warblers, Tapaculos, or Cisticolas.
Independent Birders.
Field Guides
Bird watching clubs – membership organizations
Slide presentations and club meetings
Bird watching tour companies
Making Birding Clubs Great Again.
Strategies for birding clubs to get more participation
- Local Facebook groups
Be present in your area. Every birding club should have not only a birding page, but a birding group on Facebook. A lot of people are spending a lot of time on Social Media anyway, so rather than just having a website where you post news, you can have a Facebook group where people can interact. The smaller the geographical area you cover the less intimidating it will be to the new users.In the local group people will feel more comfortable posting questions and it will be easier to recruit people to join once they get to know you through the anonymity of social media. Through Facebook you can announce local events. Ask all the club members to invite friends to these events. - Birding in the comfort zone
Talking about events. Make local events that are easy to get to and where people are anyway. Get your members to become excursion leaders of birdwatching before work within 1-3 km (1/2 mile-2 miles) of their home. Maybe there is a local small park or maybe someone has a good feeder or garden. Then every member will put out flyers in public spaces announcing the excursion, as well as post it as a Facebook event ahead of time. You may also arrange lunchtime birding close to your workplaces and post at the workplace message boards as well as in coffee shops nearby. It is not the number of birds that you may see that is important, but that it is accessible for people to participate without taking them off their normal routines too much. - Bird photography classes
Make your field trips more about learning how to take bird pictures with the cameras that people already have. Think of what birds are possible to photograph with your phone in the vicinity. Bring a scope so people can take phone scoping shots. Teach the beginners about how they can take better pictures. Make more bird photography-related excursions and workshops during birding festivals that you organize. - Bird Marathon
One idea we came up with in Lima for a birding festival that you may want to copy is having a bird photo competition – a bird race! Rather than having people doing a big day trying to see or photograph as many birds in a period of time, do a race where they have to photograph 42 of the most common specific birds in the shortest possible time. (A marathon is 42 km – 26 miles. They don’t have to run it, but photograph that many birds). The participants submit an SD card with only 42 shots on it – one of each species – or upload via wifi function on their cameras to their phones and then share a folder stored in the cloud with 42 birds. The photographer getting all the 42 birds in the least time wins the big prize. You need to know your area and your birds to photograph 42 species in the near area, so we also organized a half marathon where people were guided and shown some 30-35 species. Then the participants could submit a card with 21 species they have taken themselves. We had some prices that were raffled, so anyone that participated could win. - Combos.
Birding and culture. Birding and Running/walk. Get into people’s comfort zone. Think of any events where people will be anyway in their own comfort zone. It could be introducing birding for runners, bikers, dog walkers, cultural events, art shows etc. There could be a synergistic effect by organizing a “run for birds” event with a local running club for instance.
The untapped market for birding tours.
So for any tour company wanting to reach out towards the new birder there needs to be a change of focus. There should be more of a bucket list approach to birding. The bucket list of people does not only include birds but also scenery, biosphere reserves, world heritage sites, and iconic mammals are also decisive when choosing a destination.
This is what the next webinar is all about!
How are your birding club adapting to these new times? What turns you off about regular birding excursions in a group or birding tours?
Gunnar Engblom is a Swedish birder who lives in Peru since 1998, where he operates birdwatching and nature tours for Kolibri Expeditions. In October 2018 Gunnar lead a trip in Peru recording 1006 species in a Big Month. Gunnar is also a dedicated 3:04 marathon runner, still hoping for a sub 3h marathon in spite of turning 60 in 2020, perhaps in Berlin September, 2021.
In 2016, Gunnar re-launched his rock’n’roll singer career with his band Guran Guran, and in 2019 they released a new video – Feels Like Some Summer – also available on Spotify and other digital outlets.
The webinar was interesting, Gunnar, and I look forward to the next one, although I won’t be watching it live as it starts at 11 pm AT and I need my sleep more than ever. One comment I have is that many birders post reports on Facebook without peer review. I have a Facebook post but I rarely use it as I was getting too much junk mail. Real birders, including me, post on eBird where their information is subject to review and is much more useful for data analysis. When I was doing research for my upcoming book on birding on Grand Manan, I did not use Grand Manan Birders on Facebook as the posts were largely about rarities. I found the nb listserv and eBird reports much more thorough and reliable. Rarities are a bonus, but reports of all birds seen are the basis of bird research and should be encouraged. I found many of my own birds while on birding tours, which reduced my total species but gave me a better idea of the ecosystems. I prefer general nature tours for that reason. Too many birders on birding tours muss the point, in my view.
Roger, here is a tip for your FB account. Turn off absolutely all notifications. Then you don’t get pop-ups or emails, and control FB in your own time.
I guess the location of Grand Manan brings in rarities and thus attracts birders who are looking for such; therefore the FB group is skewed towards the rare birds.
The great thing about the short tours that we do (which I talk about in the second webinar), is that any hardcore birder signing up to these knows in beforehand that we shall not see all the birds, but concentrate on the targets – the bucket list species. Hence, it is more relaxed (even if it is birding all day).
You wrote ” Since less than 1% of these 45 million attend birding festivals, birding tours, or are members of birding clubs, it is not strange that many serious birders consider that the data is flawed. Where are all those birders? Where are they hiding?”
-We are hiding at home and either don’t have clubs nearby, or the clubs meeting times conflict with other meetings, or are not convenient, or club meetings are boring. Probably a combination.
The point is, of course, that club meetings are not convenient. It is highlighted in the video.