
Johnny-the-birder, gets ditched by his wife when going to a Birdparty! (Musical Video)

Johnny feeds the birds in the winter, but is getting more and more obsessed as the year evolves and soon sees himself chasing birds all over the world.

The song from the Swedish band Guran Guran, lead by birder and bird tour operator Gunnar Engblom from Kolibri Expeditions, tells the hilarious story of a birder named Johnny. (It seems almost every other famous birder is named John, Jonathan or Jon). There is a big surprise in the end. If you saw the film The Big Year with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson you will know what extremes birding can result in… (rent with Amazon Prime for $3.99 or buy the book which is a great read by Mark Obmascik).

Birdwatching is a fantastic hobby that brings you closer to nature. It gives you tranquility and peace of mind, and during these difficult times during the COVID 19 pandemic that is like balm to the soul. However, there is a certain risk that one can become obsessed with birding. The Life List becomes more important than social interaction with non-birders.

See for yourself in this video. Does it remind you of anyone you know?


Do you know any birdwatchers like this? Share it with them!

The video also shows some of the most sought after birds in the world. You can travel to them when this pandemic is over. They are birds you don’t have to be a birdwatcher to enjoy. And you don’t need to become obsessed.

7 Wonders Birding Tours makes short 5 day tours around the world to the best birds, the world heritage sites, and the most iconic mammals. The tours are suitable for complete newbies to birdwatching and bird photography, as well as more experienced birders who have little time.

Kolibri Expeditions has many birdwatching tours to PERU at different paces for different levels of birding skills. Even a tour where birdwatching, culture, history, and gourmet food are combined giving the very best Peru that has to offer in two weeks.

With A Little Help From Our Friends.

Thanks to all birding friends who helped with video clips and stills for the BirdParty video.  The video has now been released on YouTube (and Facebook), as well as an audio-version on all the digital platforms for listening, such as Spotify, Amazona, iTunes, Google Music Play, etc. Add it to your favorites and playlists. You can also download it for about 1US$.

Peru is now #10 in the world with the number of  COVID -19 cases. And seemingly the top is still not reached in spite of the quarantine since March 15. It means it will be many more months before any tours will run in Peru or elsewhere. If you liked the video, please share it with everyone you know and please consider downloading it, as it will give us a small contribution during these difficult times with zero income.

Another thing you can do is to make a Paypal donation to support both the continued birding services by Kolibri Expeditions and 7 Wonders Birding, as well as the creative process of Guran Guran.

In fact, any Paypal amount could be seen as a down payment for a future trip with us. 100% of the amount, I receive will be valid for three years as a deposit for any of our birding tours. You secure a birding tour of your choice and we secure a client. Win-Win!


Here is the full list of credits. Most people have given their written consent for the use, but in a few cases, I have not been able to get hold of the photographer/videographer. Still, it is fair use with very short snippets, and fully credited, so I hope there will not be future lawsuits against me for breaching copyright.

In order of appearance:

Birdcalls at intro and outro:

Common Loon – Lance Benner
American Three-toed Woodpecker and Northern Mockingbird: Andrew Spencer.

Images and Video.

Common Loon – John Fredeen. From Alberta, Lake Lacombe.
Three toed Woodpecker – Travis Saunders
Three-toed Woodpecker  – Van Remsen
Ringed (Hornby’s) Storm-Petrel (Lima pelagic, Peru) – Gunnar Engblom
Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager  (Bosque Unchog, Peru) – Gunnar Engblom
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (Lima, Peru)- Gunnar Engblom
Marvelous Spatuletail (Pomacochas, Peru)- Dustin Chen
Horned Guan (Triunfo, Mexico)- Gunnar Engblom
Cordillera Azul Antbird (Plataforma, Peru)- Andrew Spencer
Live concert with Guran Guran in 2017.
Live Footage from Karaoke at Biggest Week 2016. Camera: Domenic Mitchell.
All FB friends named John, Jonathan and Jon – Johnny if you like.
Cuba Birding – Garry Donaldson
Noah Strycker, Trevor Hardaker and Gunnar Engblom south of Paracas, Peru
Biggest Week Birding Karaoke 2016- Gunnar Engblom
“We need a field guide to birders” – Jody Enck
Birding Johnnies – Mugshots. Jonh Bates, John Kvarnbäck (with Marsh Tit), John Martin (with King Penguin in the background), Johnnie Kamugisha, John Kinghorn, Jon Ludvig Hals (with Goldcrest), Jonathan Barnett and Yonatan Puma (local guide at Villa Carmen, Manu road)
Steller’s Eagle, Large-billed Crow and Slaty-backed Gull Rausu, Hokkaido. – Gunnar Engblom.
Gray-headed Woodpecker (Finland) – Tiina Prittinen
Bullfinch (Finland) – David Radnell
Brambling (Finland) – David Radnell
Snow Bunting (Finland)- Tiina Prittinen
With Northern Cardinal, Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee and House Sparrow, and later Blue Jay, House Finch, and Tufted Titmouse.
Blue Tit and Great Tit (Norway)
Goldfinch, Blue Jay, and Northern Cardinal.
Live Footage from Space Coast Birding Festival Jan 2020. Camera Jeff Bouton.
Blizzard time-lapse  – James Grimaldi
Live Birdparty performance footage at Plataforma, Peru. Camera: Steve Huggins and Jim George
Snowshoeing MonkeySee
CapeCast: Video of the rare ivory gull! Ivory Gull twitch Plymouth, MA, Jan 2009.
Ivory Gull, Ny London, Svalbard. Bryn Perry “benllechboy”
Red-crowned Crane (Hokkaido, Japan) – Gunnar Engblom
Whooping Swan (Hokkaido, Japan) – Gunnar Engblom
Steller’s Eagle (Hokkaido Japan) – Ray Ham. Dorey Productions
WarblerFallout (High Island, TX) TavoValero.
a. Tennessee Warblers
b. Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, and Summer Tanager.
c. Prothonotary Warbler, Baltimore Oriole and Tennessee Warbler
Indigo Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Yellow-headed Blackbird (High Island, TX) – TavoValero.
Google Earth LA to Peru animation kindly by Colin Shimrock
Marvelous Spatuletail (North Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Long-whiskered Owlet (North Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Scarlet-banded Barbet (North Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Moustached Flowerpiercer (Satipo Road, Peru) Diego Calderon
Attu and Aleutians – Zugunruhe Birding
Twitcher’s a very British Obsession – BBC – Birding Gap.
Three-wattled Bellbird (Costa Rica) – Alex Vargas
Wire-crested Thorntail (North Peru) – Foto: @grallariatours Miquel_Bonet via Eugeni Capella Roca
Lady Amherst’s Pheasant (China) – Alex Vargas
Shining Sunbeam (Manu Road) – Trevor Hardaker
Inca Tern (Lima, Peru) – Kevin Bartlett
White-faced Heron, Australia – Susan Pepper
Ruddy Turnstone and Gray Plover (Sri Lanka) – Keren Sadanandan
Pale-billed Antpitta (Pomacochas, Peru) – Carlos Altamirano
Reeves’s Pheasant (China) – Alex Vargas
Collared Bush-Robin (Taiwan) – Alex Vargas
Red-tailed Laughingthrush (China) – Alex Vargas.
Hoatzin (Peru) – Trevor Hardaker
Blue-headed Macaw (Puerto Maldonado, Peru) – Trevor Hardaker
Inca Tern (Lima, Peru) – Kevin Bartlett
Many-colored Rush-Tyrant (Lima, Peru) – Kevin Bartlett
Galapagos Flycatcher (Galapagos, Ecuador) – Deborah Jean Cohen
Brown Noddy (Galapagos, Ecuador) – Deborah Jean Cohen.
Bewick’s Wren (USA) – Lea Schellhaus
Greater Roadrunner (USA) – Alex Vargas
Hooded Antpitta – Diego Calderon
Blackburnian Warbler (Florida, USA) – Mark Hedden.
Kirtland’s Warbler (Magee Marsh, OH, USA) – Mike Watson
Blue Jay (USA) – Sharon Weintraub
Purple Honeycreeper (Peru) – Jonathan Barnett
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Ecuador) – Jonathan Barnett
Golden-crowned Sapphire (Peru)  – Jonathan Barnett
Philippine Eagle (Mindanao, Philippines) – Sinisa Djordje Majetic Creative Commons
Kagu (New Caledonia) – Kirk Zufelt
Great Inca-Finch (Lima, Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Round-tailed Manakin (Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Agami Heron, (Pantanal, Brazil) – Dee Hamilton
Yellow-scarfed Tanager (Peru) – Dubi Shapiro
Northern Gannet (USA) Lori Peacock
Northern Cardinal (Ohio, USA) Glenn Apseloff
Ibisbill (India) – Ganesh Jayaraman
Lulu’s Tody-Tyrant (Abra Patricia, North Peru) Carlos Altamirano
Palawan Peacock-Pheasant (Philippines) – Alex Vargas
Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise (New Guinea, Indonesia) – Dustin Chen
Shoebill (Uganda) – Trevor Hardaker (YouTube version) – Herbert Byaruhanga (Facebook version)
Andean Cock-of-the Rock (Manu Road, Peru) – Carlos Altamirano
Gray Peacock-Pheasant (Thailand)  – Alex Vargas
King Bird-of-Paradise (New Guinea, Indonesia) – Dustin Chen
White-bellied Cinclodes (Lima, Peru) – Juan Julca
Red-legged Seriema (Pantanal, Brazil) – Carlos Altamirano
Stripe-headed Antpitta (Lima, Peru) – Juan Julca
Steller’s Eagle (Hokkaido, Japan) – Gunnar Engblom
Rufous-crested Coquette (Waqanki, North Peru) – Carlos Altamirano
Whooping Swan (Hokkaido, Japan) – Gunnar Engblom
Many-banded Aracari (Ecuador) – Alex Vargas
Three-toed Woodpecker – Travis Saunders
A Master of Song: Northern Mockingbird Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Three-toed Woodpecker  – Van Remsen
Common Loon – John Fredeen. From Alberta, Lake Lacombe.
NOTE. Links to Amazon are affiliate links. You don’t pay more by purchasing here. The commission I receive is another way to help out when there are no tours.
Gunnar Engblom is a Swedish birder who lives in Peru since 1998, where he operates birdwatching and nature tours for Kolibri Expeditions. In October 2018 Gunnar lead a trip in Peru recording 1006 species in a Big Month. Gunnar is also a dedicated 3:04 marathon runner, still hoping for a sub 3h marathon in spite of turning 60 in 2020, perhaps in Berlin September, 2021.

In 2016, Gunnar re-launched his rock’n’roll singer career with his band Guran Guran, and in 2019 they released a new video – Feels Like Some Summer – also available on Spotify and other digital outlets.

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