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Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide

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 Category Tours Kolibri Expeditions









Author: Steve Pastor. Wikimedia


Why Birding Peru with Kolibri Expeditions?

An ecotourism experience that fits your time constraints, budget, skills and fitness level. DON’T PAY MORE TO SEE LESS.

Don't pay more to see less. Apart from bird watching holidays in Peru we also organize bird photography and eco-tourism trips to Peru, South America and Worldwide.

Peru bird watching tours can be customized to fit all comfort levels. Our expert guides take into account your birding experience and help you reach a Higher Skill Level.

Fixed departures in our calendar have lower prices. For some tours such as the Manu Road or North Peru there is tiered pricing depending on level of comfort in lodging and the services you choose. This way you can choose a price that fits your budget.

Use the category menu or the calendar to find a trip that suits your needs in content and time frame. Check tour length to find a trip of preferred length of time. For those with very limited time we recommend look at our 5 day tours covering the major birding areas of Peru.

Recently we have started offering trips outside of Peru. Check our short Winter Japan tour for example.

Our clients choose us because:

  • Of our Environment, Conservation and Community commitments.
  • Of our Excellent in the field meal services, which allows more birding time than sit-down meals.
  • We provide free, completely safe treated drinking water and this way avoid plastic disposable bottles. Doing our part to combat plastic pollution in South America where there is lack of recycling and garbage treatment. Furthermore bottled water is a waste of natural resources and energy. Water is filtered and treated with micro pore systems.
  • We involve and train local guides.
  • We have pioneered new birding areas some that have become part of the regular birding circuit today.
  • We have the longest track record of organizing Pelagic Trips in Peru.
  • Our drivers and guides are legendary.
  • We provide birding for everyone; at every level.
  • We provide deluxe trips as well as budget trips. Even self-guided trips, if you want only some of the logistics taken care of. And we provide for every level of comfort and pace. Your requirements are our guideline. We can pair you up with others who are interested in the same type of trip.
  • We love Hard Core Birding - with Big Days, Specific Target species and attempts to reach 500-1000 species.
  • We love Relaxed Birding where nature, birding and culture often are combined.
  • We love Bird Photography trips, helping you to get the best shots.
  • Also other Fauna, rare plant and orchid trips.

    An ecotourism experience that fits your time constraints, budget, skills and fitness level. DON’T PAY MORE TO SEE LESS.

 Upcoming Trips 2025

Birding Peru Anytime

Every week Mo-Fri throughout the year Kolibri attempts to run three different 5 day tours. They are our most popular programs and perfect for those with little time. You can of course combine them into one longer trip. They are:
Photography friendly Machu Picchu and Cusco endemics - with extreme comfort.
Manu road. Best season and drier mid-April to mid-December - although birding can be very good also in the rainy season between showers.
Northern Peru transect Tarapoto-Jaen or vice versa with Marvelous Spatuletail and Long-whiskered Owlet. Note that the male Spatuletail often lack spatulas in July-Aug.
When you book, we shall enter the dates in the calendar so other people will see that these trips are running these dates and they could book the same date for a better price for everyone.
Having said that, just booking any date yourself or with your partner at the date you prefer will not break the bank. $1000 surcharge for a single person + single supplement. $500 surcharge per person if only two people. $250/person surcharge with three people, and no surcharge with groups of 5 or more.
If you don't find a suitable trip, please contact us at kolibriexp@gmail.com
 February 2025 
16 - 22 Winter Japan (also extensions available) - (Guide(s): Gunnar Engblom)  Our yearly Japan tour once again. This will be Gunnar's 8th season in Japan. Join us for 100s of Stellers Eagles, 1000s of Cranes and Snow Monkeys! Small groups. Max 4 clients per group.
23 - 24 Cuzco Birding Day trip: Huacarpay and San Salvador full day  New Departure
Every Mon-Fri throughout the year we offer our most popular 5 day tours to Machu Picchu, Manu road and North Peru. Click and sign up!
If you don't find a suitable trip, please contact us at kolibriexp@gmail.com
 March 2025 
2 - 8 Winter Japan (also extensions available) - (Guide(s): Gunnar Engblom)  Our yearly Japan tour once again. This will be Gunnar's 8th season in Japan. Join us for 100s of Stellers Eagles, 1000s of Cranes and Snow Monkeys! Small groups. Max 4 clients per group. 
29 - 30 Junin Grebe twitch (Guide(s): Juan Julca)  A two day trip, looking for the most difficult birds in the Santa Eulalia Canyon and Marcapomacocha road and then travel to Tarma for an overnight stay. Second day at Junin Lake for the Junin Grebe and Rail and many other birds. Late arrival in Lima on Mar 30. 
31 Lima days: Pantanos de Villa, Pucusana, Puerto Viejo, Lomas de Asia and Cañete valley (Guide(s): Juan Julca)  Hard core birding on Lima coast with a very early start to reach Cañete for Slender-billed Finch and Lomas de Asia for Raimondi's Yellow-Finch, Thick-billed Miner and Chilca for Peruvian Martin and perhaps Least Seedsnipe. Also Humboldt Penguin, Peruvian Thickknee, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant and Inca Tern of course.
Every Mon-Fri throughout the year we offer our most popular 5 day tours to Machu Picchu, Manu road and North Peru. Click and sign up!
If you don't find a suitable trip, please contact us at kolibriexp@gmail.com
 May 2025 
3 - 8 Spain - Andalucia. Iberian Lynx, Alhambra and Raptor Bonanza (Guide(s): Gunnar Engblom)  Easy birding and wildlife, with moorish culture (Alhambra and Cordoba Mesquita) and a feel for Andalusian Spain. 
11 Lima days: Pantanos de Villa, Pucusana, Puerto Viejo, Lomas de Asia and Cañete valley (Guide(s): Juan Julca)  A classic Lima birding excursion with desert, coastal marshes and seawatching. Our favorites include Humboldt Penguin, Peruvian Thickknee, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant and Inca Tern.
12 Lima days: Daytrip to Santa Eulalia Canyon (Guide(s): Juan Julca)  Principle objective is to get close views of Andean Condor. Other possibilities includde Great Inca Finch, Black-necked Woodpecker, Bronze-tailed Comet, Peruvian Pygmy-Owl, Peruvian Sheartail and with luck Rufous-breasted Warbling-Finch.
13 - 17 Archeology and Birding at Machu Picchu, Cuszco and the Sacred Valley. (Guide(s): Jose Luis Avendaño)  The perfect birding trip for a non-birding spouse, or the perfect cultural trip for a birder. Most endemics are covered (at least the pretty ones), while you at the same time will see the most important Inca sites of the Sacred Valley and Cusco, including Machu Picchu of course. 
18 - 22 5 day Manu Road Birding and Photography (Guide(s): Jose Luis Avendaño)  Our classic Manu road in 5 days. The fastest way to get the most important birds on Manu road and good photography at feeding stations. Can be combined with Machu Picchu and Abra Malaga before and 5 days North Peru with Marvelous Spatuletail afterwards. . 
Every Mon-Fri throughout the year we offer our most popular 5 day tours to Machu Picchu, Manu road and North Peru. Click and sign up!
If you don't find a suitable trip, please contact us at kolibriexp@gmail.com
 June 2025 
13 - 18 Satipo Road and Colibri Cloud Forest - Short 5 Day Tour (Guide(s): Juan Jose Chalco)  Subtropical birding on the Satipo Road that has been called the poor man's Manu road. As many birds as Manu Road for less money. No domestic flight needed. We are also including birding near Oxapampa and Hacienda Armorique for Cloud-Forest Screech-Owl, Creamy-bellied Antwren and Cerulean-capped Manakin. 
The comfortable sleeper night bus leaves in the evening of June 13. 
28 - Jul 4 Uganda - Shoebill, Gorillas and Chimps in one week (Guide(s): Gunnar Engblom)  Why spend a lot of time and money when your most wanted birds and mammals can be seen in only 7 days? Join our epic and time-efficient Uganda tour for 7 days to see Gorilla, Chimpanzee and Shoebill, together with close to 300 other species of birds, and many classic African mammals.
Every Mon-Fri throughout the year we offer our most popular 5 day tours to Machu Picchu, Manu road and North Peru. Click and sign up!
If you don't find a suitable trip, please contact us at kolibriexp@gmail.com
 July 2025 
6 - 10 5 day Manu Road Birding and Photography (Guide(s): Alex Durand)  Our classic Manu road in 5 days. The fastest way to get the most important birds on Manu road and good photography at feeding stations. Can be combined with Machu Picchu and Abra Malaga before and 5 days North Peru with Marvelous Spatuletail afterwards. . 
Every Mon-Fri throughout the year we offer our most popular 5 day tours to Machu Picchu, Manu road and North Peru. Click and sign up!

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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com