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Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide

  South Peru  |  Manu Road  |  Central Peru  |  Lima Area  |  North Peru  |  Amazon Lowlands  |  Machu Picchu  |  5-day trips  |  World Birding  |  Bird Photography
    South America   |  North America   |  ASIA   |  C. America & Caribbean   |  Europa   |  Africa   |  Australia and Oceania  
 5 Day Trip

If you feel you don't have the time and because of work committments you cannot get away for a two week trip, 5 day birding trios are ideal for you. They are always programmed in so you only have to take max 5 days off from work. Since it is only five days, they tour will not deter your budget. Furthermore, they are specifically designed to get the best and most beautiful birds, that you will remember after the trip.

Some of these tours will have tiered pricing, but usually not. With only five days, saving pennies for most people does not make sense.
For all tours we carefully sellect lodging alternatives that are good value and good for birding. 

For the hardworking proffesional who wants a quick getaway to follow their passion for birding and nature, our 5 day tours are ideal for you. With our tiered pricing and set tours you can choose a trip that suits you, budget and busy schedule. If you want to target a specific region or species we can taylor the programs to fit your needs. Your Satisfaction is our priority.


Birding Brazil. Chapada de Guimaraes and Harpy Eagle
We run this tour principally when there is a good chance of seeing Harpy Eagle at Serra das Araras. The birding and wildlife is great regardless, so we can certainly run this tour as an extension to our Pantanal program any time you like.
India: Birding, Tigers and Taj Mahal
A special tour designed to see some of the best locations in India, including Rahthambhore for Bengal tigers, birding at Keoladeo and Chambal, and the historic city of Agra including the Taj Mahal.
Winter Birding and Bird Photography in Japan
A very attractive and affordable one week winter bird watching trip to Japan including the epic and photogenic birds, such as Steller's Eagle and Japanese Crane.
Durango Highway, Classic Mexico birding
Endemic rich Durango HIghway with Tufted jay is a Mexico classic that should not be missed.
Birding San Blas
Incredibly biodiverse with many regional endemics.
Birding Colima Mountains
Many endemics in Colima mountains.
Machu Picchu and Abra Malaga - Birding program
5 days recommended, but shorter trips are possible. Excellent birding in the magic environment of the Incas.
Lowland SE Peru specialties at Los Amigos Research Center
Incredible diversity with good bamboo, varzea and terra firme. Thus you can get all Manu and Tambopata specialists at a very decent price. Departures from Lima on Thursdays. Perfect for someone who only wants a short stay.
Birding Tumbes and North Peru pelagic
A great 5 day pre-trip to any of our North Peru trips that commence in Chiclayo. It includes birdng in Amotape National Park, the Tumbes mangroves and a Pelagic from Los Organos.
Satipo Road and Colibri Cloud Forest - Short 5 Day Tour
Promoting the recent community project at Satipo road we introduce this short trip that contains both excellent cloud forest birding and the endemic specialties which can not be seen on a short Carpish/Unchog trip.
Marvelous Spatuletail, 40 hummingbirds and Long-whiskered Owlet.
A short only 5 day trip, perfect as an extension to a longer trip or just a short escape. Main targets as the name implies are Marvellous Spatuletail and Long-whiskered Owlet, but loads of other birds will be seen on this short trip between Tarapoto and Jaen.
5 day Manu Road Birding and Photography
A 5 day trip covering the best sites on the Manu road. Immensely diverse and loads of hummingbirds.
Carpish, Unchog and Junin Lake 5 days.
A short 5 day trip which aims to see Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager at Bosque Unchog and the other Carpish endemics, Paty trail, and Junin Grebe and Junin Rail at Lake Junin. On the way back to Lima we stop for White-bellied Cinclodes and Diademed Sandpiper-Plover.
5 days Birding Canopy walkway, river islands and white sand forest.
A great Iquitos combo giving you many species of birds that are hard in other parts of the Amazon, visiting ExplorNapo and Allpahuayo-Mishana reserve.
Archeology and Birding at Machu Picchu, Cuszco and the Sacred Valley.
Your non-birding spouse wants to go to Peru and see Machu Picchu. Offer him/her this. Archeology and birding. The best of both worlds

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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com