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Lowland SE Peru specialties at Los Amigos Research Center


Black-faced Cotinga, Conioptilon mcilhennyi. Los Amigos Research Center, Per? Photo:Gunnar Engblom

Outstanding place in the Peruvian rainforest with a 7m Anaconda staked out  at Pozo Don Pedro and recent sightings of Tapir and Jaguar on the trails. Rio Los Amigos Research Station is a vey modern set-up in the rain forest with good trails, electric light and even internet and it has the specialities of SE Peru even such rare species as Long-crested Pygmy-Tyrant, Black-faced Cotinga, Rufous-fronted Ant-thrush and Peruvian Recurvebill. There are 10 species of monkeys regularly seen including Emperor Tamarin and Monk Saki Monkey. The rooms have private bath, but not yet hot water. It is possible to upgrade to a private cabin for 50 US$ more per person/per night.  It is possible to arrange longer or shorter stays.

In order to make the most of our stay we want to be taking the boat to CICRA at 7 Am from Laberinto.  There are three ways to make sure we make it in time.

  • Fly in a day early to Puerto Maldonado and do half a day Puerto Maldonado Birding at Pastora or Cachorla areas. 
  • Take our Cusco to Puerto Maldonado connection with excellent foothill birding on the way. This trip is especially recommended during the wet season when it is not possible to access Manu road (late December-March).
  • Take a comfortable sleeper overnight bus from Cusco to Puerto Maldonado and get off at the Laberinto turn-off. There would be a person travelling with you to direct you where to get off. This option is recommended if you are short of time and is totally risk free during the drier season May-September. 

If it does not work for you to fly in a day early or take the nightbus, you may fly in the first day with the first flight from Lima to Puerto Maldonado. You would be taking the last motorized canoe for the day leaving Laberinto at noon.  We can arrange for private transport to Laberinto from the airport (50 min). 

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Cocoi Heron,Ardea cocoi. Los Amigos Research Center, Per? Photo:Gunnar Enblom Short Amigos program.

Day 1. Overland to Laberinto and from there boat to the Research Center. Here we stay in dormitory rooms with private bathrooms. Private double cabins are available for a 50 US surcharge per person. There is electric light and wireless internet available. There is also access to the observation deck of a 60-m radio tower. In the 400 ha property there are good trails covering all sorts of habitats.
In short birding shall be great and very comfortable.
Day 2-4. Trails at Los Amigos.Exploring the 60 kms of trails.
Day 5. Return to Puerto Maldonado with some birding on the way in time for the late flight to Lima. If you travel to Cusco you need to take an earlier boat. Or stay a day in Puerto Maldonado. 



Price: US$ 1550 (Minimum 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)
Single supplement: 120 US$

Does not include flights. Best to arrive to Puerto Maldonado the day before to maximize your time, but you could also arrive with the first flight from Lima and make it to Amigos the same day. You are able to connect to flights on day 5 or travel to Cusco with a comfortable sleeper nightbus. Or you could stay at a comfortable hotel in Puerto Maldonado. 



Posted on BirdForum

Just returned from a great trip to Peru. Didn't do the east slope (with megadiversity) but did do Amazonas at Los Amigos biological station, Abra Malaga, Tumbes, Chaparri Lodge, Santa Eulalia, Cusco to Machu Picchu and Agua Calientes.

540+ species including 34 +/- antbirds. Had Point-tailed Palmcreeper at Los Amigos, fleeting look at Royal Cinclodes (will not count in my book but glad they are still at Abra Malaga (also had an adult Andean Condor there too).

Despite rumors of their demise we had 20+ Humboldt Penguins at Pucusana just an hour south of Lima as well as Seaside Cinclodes, Peruvian Thick-knee, and Slender-billed Finch at Canaette.

Kolibri was an excellent company with great guides in each location that really knew their birds and the best places to find them.

Brian Allen


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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com