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Carpish, Unchog and Junin Lake 5 days.


Birding Carpish, Unchog and Junin Lake 5 days. 

Golden-backed Mountain Tanager

A trip that will give you some of the best birds in Peru. The critically threatened Junin Grebe and the beautiful Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager. We can organize this trip almost anytime.

Also see our extended 17 day trip which includes Satipo road. This is a fantastic trip!!!!

The trip starts with a night bus to Huanuco on the night prior to day 1. 

The tour is often combined with pelagic, an easy day trip on the coast to Pantanos de Villa and Pucusana and a day trip to Santa Eulalia CanyonContact us for details.

  October 11 - 2024

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Birding Carpish with Golden-backed Mountain Tanager and Junin Grebe.

Day 0.

We recommend an easy day in Lima this morning such as Pantanos de Villa and Pucusana or if you want something more intense such as a day trip to Santa Eulalia Canyon. Very comfortable night bus to Huanuco leaving Lima at 10 PM - this way we get a gradual aclimatization over the next five days. There is a flight service to Huanuco also but it leaves mid-morning and you thus lose a birding day and need to add a hotel night in Huanuco. Let us know if this is your preferred option. 

Day 1.

Birding at the Carpish Tunnel in the morning for Unstreaked Tit-TyrantTchudis TapaculoGray-browed (Stripe-headed) Brush-Finch, Rufous Spinetail, Peruvian Wren, Yellow-scarfed Tanager, Golden-plumed Parakeet, Scaly-naped Parrot, Mountain Cacique and hopefully Chestnut Antpitta and Rufous-browed Hemispingus. Night in Huanuco. 

Day 2.

Early  3AM start for Bosque Unchog. Key species is naturally Golden-backed Mountain-TanagerPardusco is usually easy. Rufous-browed Hemispingus is time consuming and Bay-vented Cotinga rare but very conspicuous when perched.
Other birds include Coppery MetaltailNeblina and Large-footed TapaculoPlenge´s ThistletailMany-striped and Line-fronted CanasteroParamo SeedeaterWhite-collared Jay, Rufous (Obscure) Antpitta (ssp obscura warrants species recognition) and Brown-flanked Tanager. Night in Huanuco

Day 3.

Paty trail in the morning slowly to add species like Peruvian Tyrannulet Masked and Band-tailed FruiteaterMasked SaltatorDrab HemispingusWhite-eared Solitaire,Grey-breasted Mountain-ToucanInca FlycatcherBay and Chestnut AntpittasBuff-browed Foliage-GleanerOrange-breasted FalconChestnut-breasted Wren,Long-tailed Antbird, etc. Rest of the day birding the Carpish area. 

Day 4.

If necessary we shall do another 3 AM start for a repeat visit at Bosque Unchog. Perhaps we missed one of the keybirds and would like to give it another shot.  At 10 AM we break and start heading towards Junin.

We shall be birding the dry scrub for Rufous-backed Inca-Finch and Brown-flanked Tanager and then continue to Junin lake, via a stop at the Polylepis forests at Quichas for Stripe-headed AntpittaGiant ConebillBaron´s SpinetailThick-billed Siskin and Striated Earthcreeper if time permits. Night in basic hotel in Junin.

Day 5.

First we make a try for Junin Rail, and then we continue to make a short boat tour on the lake for the critically endangered Junin Grebe. As we drive back Junin Town we shall be looking for Dark-winged and Common Miner before we continue towards Ticlio for White-bellied CinclodesDiademed PloverRufous-bellied and Gray-breasted Seedsnipes and Black-breasted Hillstar. We shalll be arriving in Lima at around 8-9 pm. Please schedule flights after 11 pm if you fly out internationally or stay another day in Lima. 


Option: Carpish, Unchog and Junin Lake 5 days. Days: 5
Price: US$ 1500 (Minimum 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)
Single supplement: 75 US$

Includes all hotels all food, guide, transport . Does not include community fee at Bosque Unchog (US$20) or costs for renting horses if necessary in Unchog. Drinks and personal tips are not included.


Hej Gunnar
Vill bara nämna, att vi var mycket nöjda med båda Manuel och bilen.
Manuel är en duktig chaufför (och alltid försiktig, tar inga chanser) - och också en jättetrevlig person.
Och ja, han känner till fågellokalen och lager utomordentlig fältfrukost.
Tack för denna gång.
Ulrik Andersen - Driver and Vehicle DIY.

Copyright © 2012 Kolibri Expeditions. All rights reserved.
Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com