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Scarlet-banded Barbet extension


Scarlet-banded Barbet tour

Scarlet-banded Barbet was described as late as 2000, but the type locality was very hard to get to.. In 2012 a new site for the Barbet became know. In 2013 several groups have been taken to see the bird which is on the cover of the Birds of Peru book. - Alex Durand

Scarlet-banded Barbet was discovered in 1995 on an isolated peak in the Cordillera Azul, the headwaters of Rio Cushabatay and was formally described to science in 2000. For many years the only way to see it was doing a 10 day expedition with a 2-3 day grueling hike to reach the peak.

Recently a new site has been discovered very near an extremely rough but nonetheless a road allowing much easier access. This is still a rough trip with very basic accommodation and an extremely bumpy 4WD ride to get to the base, but the rewards are high with a number of other seldom seen birds in the same area.

In 2017, a new species of Antbird was described from this same area - Cordillera Azul Antbird. Read more about it on BirdingBlogs.com.

  November 14 - 2024

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.


Day 1: Travel to Bellavista

We shall travel to Bellavista after with stop at the dry scrub of  Quebrada Upaquihua  to check for birds as Huallaga Slaty Antshrike, Ashy-headed Greenlet, Planalto Hermit, Rufous Casiornis, Mishana Tyrannulet, Comb Duck, Stripe-chested Antwren and others. Night in Bellavista Hotel Monteverde.

Day 2-3: Scarlet Banded Barbet camp

It takes about four hours by 4WD to get to the village which will serve as our base camp. On the way we shall look for Napo Sabrewing and Blackish Pewee which has been seen along the road.

While Scarlet-banded Barbet and Cordillera Azul Antbird are our main targets many other birds will also be searched for. These include Chestnut-tipped Toucanet, Scaled, Fiery-throated and Scarlet-breasted Fruiteaters, the foothill form of Long-tailed Woodcreeper which is soon to be described as a new species, Grey-tailed Piha, Rose-fronted Parakeet, Foothill and Slaty AntwrenRufous-breasted Antthrush. Scaled Antpitta, Foothill Schiffornis, Short-tailed Antthrush, Ash-browed and Chestnut-throated Spinetails, Yellow-throated Spadebill, Yellow-cheeked Becard, Andean Lanisoma, Roraiman Flycatcher and Jet, Yungas and Blue-rumped ManakinGrey-mantled Wren, and many tanagers such as Blue-browed, Golden-eared and Straw-backed Tanagers. 

The local form of White-crowned Tapaculo also needs some attention as this complex surely includes more than one species based on the difference in the songs. At night we can search for Vermiculated Screech-Owl, Subtropical Pygmy-Owl (rare) and Band-bellied Owl.

Day 4: Drive back to Tarapoto

Additional birding in the morning, until early afternoon if necessary. On the way down we’ll make stops to look for birds we may have missed. We drive to Tarapoto, and if time permits we shall stop at ricefields to look for Spotted and Blackish Rail, and nearby search the localized Planalto Hermit.

We may take a late evening flight back to Lima or stay overnight in Tarapoto to continue to explore more of northern Peru. 

DAY 1 Travel to Bellavista. Birding dry forest on the way
DAY 2 Scarlet Banded Barbet. Foothill birding.
DAY 3 Scarlet Banded Barbet locality.
DAY 4 Drive back to Tarapoto.

Price: US$ 1120 (Minimum 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)
Single supplement: 30 US$

Inlcudes hotel (but not dinner) in Tarapoto on the night prior to Day 1, guiding, basic lodging at Plataforma, transport and all the food until lunch on Day 4.

Note that there will be a $500 per group for hiring the 4 WD needed to get to the Barbet site. This means one person pays the full $500, and a group of two pays $250 per person etc.



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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com