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Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide

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Lima days: Pantanos de Villa, Pucusana, Puerto Viejo, Lomas de Asia and Cañete valley



Humboldt Penguin, Spheniscus humboldti. Pucusana, Lima, Perú. Photo:Gunnar Engblom

Introduction to Lima Days:

These are very easy Lima one-day trips and our classic Santa Eulalia and Marcopomacocha circuit. Some visitors will undoubtedly already have visited some of the sites, but after a long and dusty trip in interior Peru, having a few days to relax in Lima may be a good idea.

There are some great archeological museums in Lima, which should not be missed. Lima Days does not include hotel or meals. We have several hotel possibilities which we can book for you at wide range of prices.

These trips can be booked at any time and with short notice.

Also, check these trips. 

Half-day trips.

Perfect tours if you are short of time, want to do other activities in Lima as well, or perhaps have a plane to catch and some time to kill. 

Good introduction to the birds in Lima. The trip can be run almost anytime. A short trip, very close to the airport. Perfect to kill time. Especially good for North American waders, gulls and terns. September-April is the best time for migrating birds, but it is always something to see.
Full day tours.

Two day trips: 

  • Condor watching trips to Santa Eulalia Canyon - only 3 hours from Lima
    Daily condor watching trips. This is a short, inexpensive and time efficient alternative for those that had considered to go to Colca Canyon to see condors.
  • Junin Grebe twitch
    Main target: Junin Grebe and birds often missed in the Santa Eulalia Canyon.
  • Santa Eulalia valley and Marcopomacocha road
    It is preferred to do Santa Eulalia and the Marcapomacocha road as a two or three day trip with overnight in the Andes to save driving time. One may also add on the Junin Grebe twitch and make it a 3-4 day trip in total. 

  February 4 - 2025

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.


Coastal Miner, Geositta peruviana. Humedales de Puerto Viejo, Lima, Perú Photo:Juan Chalco

Pucusana, Pantanos de Villa, Puerto Viejo, Lomas de Asia and Cañete valley:

One of our Lima favorites. You may not have time to visit all the localities. It all depends on what pace you want.

We start in Pantanos de Villa looking for Great Grebe, Andean Duck, Black Skimmer, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant, and many more..

In Pucusana we usually see Humboldt Penguin, Red-legged Cormorant, Inca Tern, Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes, Blackish Oystercatcher, Guanay Cormorant and Peruvian Pelican. It is possible to make a short boat trip for some additional chance of photography. 

Near Puerto Viejo is a good place for Peruvian Thick-knee, but it is also a location to get good views of smaller birds such as newly split Peruvian Pipit, Tschudi's Nightjar, and Rufescent Flycatcher,  as well as Grassland Yellow-Finch, Drab, Chestnut-throated and Parrot-billed Seedeaters, Coastal Miner, Short-tailed Field-Tyrant and Collared Warbling-Finch.

If time permits and for hard-core listers, we can further explore Lomas de Asia for Thick-billed Miner and Raimondi's Yellow-Finch and Cañete Valley for Slender-billed Finch, among other species. For such a long trip, it would require a very early start and late arrival back in Lima. 



Option: Pantanos de Villa Pucusana and Puerto Viejo Days: 1
Price: US$ 260 (Minimum 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)

Price per person Includes transport, guiding, checklist, food and snacks. Drinks and personal expenses such as tips are not included.



Posted on BirdForum

Just returned from a great trip to Peru. Didn't do the east slope (with megadiversity) but did do Amazonas at Los Amigos biological station, Abra Malaga, Tumbes, Chaparri Lodge, Santa Eulalia, Cusco to Machu Picchu and Agua Calientes.

540+ species including 34 +/- antbirds. Had Point-tailed Palmcreeper at Los Amigos, fleeting look at Royal Cinclodes (will not count in my book but glad they are still at Abra Malaga (also had an adult Andean Condor there too).

Despite rumors of their demise we had 20+ Humboldt Penguins at Pucusana just an hour south of Lima as well as Seaside Cinclodes, Peruvian Thick-knee, and Slender-billed Finch at Canaette.

Kolibri was an excellent company with great guides in each location that really knew their birds and the best places to find them.

Brian Allen

We really enjoyed our day with Alejandro and Julio. The birding was excellant and I appreciated Alejandro's efforts to make sure we had actually seen each bird we claimed. Not only is he a talented birder but a patient teacher as well and a very nice person too. Out of the two inches of annual rain that Lima  experiences we did get to enjoy about a quarter inch. You know it never rains in Lima! The two hour traffic gridlock was a bit of a disappointment but Julio went above and beyond to try to get through it. Overall, it was a good day and I even was able to bring home a copy of Alejandro's book.
Diane and Phil Power

Hi Gunnar.

I just wanted to thank you for your expert guidance around the Lima hotspots a few weeks ago. Our brief jaunt far exceeded my expectations of what we could accomplish in just a few free hours. With your help I was pleased to get some shots of the iconic Inca Tern despite less than ideal conditions, and you managed to get us on some other Peruvian specialties as well. I counted 16 life birds around Lima (there were probably more), and 87 altogether including the Amazon segment. Just think what we might have gotten had we been able to spend a few days with you. Here's a link to the images that I've been able to put together so far, culled from thousands of frames. The first 10 are from our few hours with you in Lima; the balance are from our Amazon cruise with International Expeditions. The Lima ones are the best.


Thank you again. If we ever find ourselves in Lima again, we'll get in touch, and will make sure to plan for some additional time.

Bill Dix, NJ, US. Bird Photography in Lima, Jun 2015


Copyright © 2012 Kolibri Expeditions. All rights reserved.
Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com