
World heritage sites

The perfect birding tour for someone who has never been on a birding tour before.
The perfect birding tour for someone who has never been on a birding tour before.

The perfect birding tour for someone who has never been on a birding tour before.

Birding tours for the 99%.
Here is the paradox. With 45 million people identifying themselves as birdwatchers in the US it is less than 1% who would qualify as traditional birders being members in a birdwatching club, participating on organized field trips and would pay for guided birdwatching excursions and tours.

So why are there so few birding tours for the 99%? What is wrong with most birdwatching tours? Why don’t 44.5 million US birdwatchers take any birding trips?  How can that potential market be untapped?

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