Cochabamba area gives access to three different endemic bird areas and therefore a remarkably long list of birds can be found in relatively short time. Specific targets during this short, but quite relaxed 9 day long trip include from the dry scrub around Tambo and Samaipata Red-fronted Macaw, Bolivian Earth-creeeper, Bare-eyed Ground-Dove, Bolivian Warbling-Finch, Rufous-bellied Saltator and Red-faced Guan. The temperate forests hold Wedge-tailed Hillstar, Black-hooded Sunbeam, Rufous-faced Antpitta and Cochabamba Mountain-Finch and the species rich Yungas zone has Black-winged Parrot, Diademed Tapaculo, Hooded Mountain-Toucan and Orange-browed Hemispingus. We will also arrange a visit to Carrasco National Park (pending current park-rules) to see oilbirds and have a go at the difficult endemics Bolivan Recurvebill, Ashy Antwren and Yungas Tody-Tyrant.
Day 1-3. Villa Tunari rd.
Day 4. Quillacolla road
Day 5. Cochabamba-Siberia
Day 6. Siberia. Tambo. Red-fronted Macaw.
Day 7. Tambo area
Day 8. Tambo or Samaipata area
Day 9. Samaipata area-Santa Cruz
On request a 2 day program for the Santa Cruz area and a three day excursion to see Blue-throated Macaw can be arranged. Contact us for details.