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Arequipa half day birding Chiguata Polylepis


If you arrive in Arequipa at 2300m from sea level and plan to visit Colca Canyon or Puno afterward it is a good idea to do two half-day trips at higher altitudes to prepare your body for longer exposure later. There are two trips. One to Lake Salinas at 4300m and this one to Polylepis scrub above Chiguata at 3600-3800m. We recommend you start with this tour and then spend the afternoon in Arequipa visiting the Santa Catalina monastery, the Jesuit Church with San Ignacio Chappel or some shopping for alpaca clothing. If you are short of time you may want the full-day trip to Chiguata and Lake Salinas, but be aware that you may get problems with the altitude if you are not accustomed. 

No Departures for this Tour

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We leave Arequipa an hour before dawn to get to the Polylepis scrub above the village of Chiguata at the break of dawn. Several good birds can be found here such as Black-winged and Bare-faced Ground-Doves, Dark-winged (Creamy-winged) Canastero, Mountain Caracara, Andean Hillstar, Black Metaltail, Giant Hummingbird, White-throated, Plain-breasted and Straight-billed Earthcreepers, Cream-winged Cinclodes, Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail, Canyon and Cordilleran Canastero, Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, Cinereous, Giant and Tamarugo Conebills and Peruvian Sierra-Finch. We shall have our picnic breakfast at the roadside while enjoying all the birds. Occasionally an Andean Condor will pass by. 


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